Volunteers are Great!
Volunteer opportunities are available for many events throughout the year. Please email the Antioch Chamber for upcoming opportunities.
Storyline Committee
Creating the story behind Dickens Holiday Village
The storyline volunteers behind Dickens Holiday Village created many drafts of our Dickens story to bring you an enjoyable visit with our Dicken's characters.
The storyline volunteers spent hours creating, tweaking and finalizing our Dicken's story, bringing you both the "pretty side" of Dickens and the "not so pretty side of Dickens," where children of the Dicken's era were needed to work at a young age to help their families financially. Enjoy reading the plaque at each scene to learn more about life during the Dickens Era.
Apparel Committee
Creating Period Pieces
In January of 2014, the Antioch Chamber publicized the need for Volunteers to create apparel for our Dickens Holiday Village. At our first meeting, many women attended to learn what Dickens Holiday Village is and was excited at the thought of being part of the beginning of a new Antioch event, which would continue annually during the holiday months. Currently, in 2018, our Apparel Committee is working on new costumes and refreshing those from past years.
The Apparel Committee worked at their homes throughout the year creating capes, skirts, purses, shawls, etc. Each month they met and reviewed their progress and worked closely with the Storyline Committee to make sure they had accurate apparel for the characters. The Lakes Region Historical Society Director consulted with the Apparel Committee to bring us an 1850's era of apparel. Year after year, the Committee remains committed to keeping the characters donned in period-accurate, well-maintained pieces throughout the holiday season.
Art Committee- Artistic Heads
The Artists behind Dickens
Imagine having to create a Dickens Character Head that is pleasing to the eye and can withstand 60+ days of fall and winter weather! That is the task of our Art Committee. Fortunately, Antioch is blessed by having numerous artists in our Community, most members of the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation. What seemed like a herculean task was enjoyable for our artists. In 2018, the Dickens Art Committee created more artistic heads to increase our total Dicken's characters!
Coordinated by a local, the heads began to roll, literally. Many artists, some experienced, some who never worked in this type of media, met together at some of the weekly "Head Workshops." This resulted in a pleasing variety of artistic styles, which brings us unique Dickens individuals.
The Mannequin Men
Mannequin Committee
As you enjoy our Dickens characters, remember that most everything you see has been created by our Dicken's Volunteers. Our "Mannequin Men" are a small group of men that spent days creating our mannequins. All of the mannequins have movable arms, some have movable legs too. Some mannequins can even sit and be posed in many ways.
The PM&L Theatre graciously shares their volunteers who build sets to help with this much-needed assistance in coming up with a design for our mannequins and the building of them. Set designers created mannequins that were poseable and could represent men, women, and children. These volunteers and others from the community are the "men behind the Mannequins."
Construction and Painting
Building the Dicken's Platform Scenes
The list of construction help seems endless. Without the volunteer help, Antioch would not enjoy Dickens.
Supply Donations:
Sherwin-Williams of Antioch
The Village Thrift Shoppe
ZM Construction
Boy Scout Troup #190
Wilmot Heritage Antiques & Gifts
The Painted Lady Antiques
Clip Clop Construction